Good news from Banbury in Oxfordshire. - relating how two troops of horse, under the command of my Lord Says tvvo sons, pursued divers cavalleers as they fled from Oxford toward Worchester, and tooke eight of them prisoners: with sundry other passages which have hapned in those parrs sic this last weeke. Also a great skirmish betweene the men of Coventry and the kings party; in vvhich many of the cavalleers vvere slaine, and Killinsworth Castle taken from them. Whereunto is added, the examination of Ioshua Hill, and Augustine Harper, taken at Northampton in the presence of the Earle of Essex generall of the army, Septemb. 14. 1642. Likewise, a letter sent from his Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, &c: to the Lord Major of the City of London
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Printed for J. Wright |
1642 |
England, London |
[8] sidor. |